How it works
Using Checkmate™
Easy, fast, fail-safe…
Checkmate™ is an easy-to-use technology system that guarantees H&S checks are always completed perfectly and in accordance with best practice or audit rules. Using the system can be broken down into these four simple steps:

Attach a Checkmate™ SurTag™ to all equipment that requires a safety audit.

Hold mobile device against the NFC tag to start the audit.

Complete the audit, taking pictures of any defects and save/submit.

Audit results sent to specified staff, PDF reports created and the dashboard is updated.
Checkmate™ in Action
Checkmate™ SurTag™
Equipment such as fork hoists are fitted with a Checkmate™ SurTag™. Staff simply touch the SurTag™ with a Smartphone and a customised safety checklist appears in the palm of their hand. The list is easy to follow and enjoyable for staff to use. If a fault or a risk is identified, Checkmate™ captures a photo of the issue so that Managers can instantly see the problem and authorise for it to be fixed. On higher risk assets the LED light will flash red on the SurTag™ to warn of the unresolved risk.
Safety Checks are scheduled at pre-arranged intervals to meet best practice or audit standards and alerts are sent to the appropriate people if a check has not been done on time.
Control Centre
Checkmate’s™ Control Centre gives Managers and Owners total visibility across all assets at every business site in real time. They can rest assured knowing that perfect checking processes have been 100% enforced and that safety systems are working exactly as they intended.
Checkmate™ is used in a huge number of industries and applications. It’s perfect for any asset that needs regular checks and for deploying any business process that must be performed perfectly every time. Some examples of real-world Checkmate™ applications include:
- Fleet vehicles
- Heavy machinery
- Pallet racking systems
- Fork hoists
- Gym equipment
- Security and building lock-up processes
- Sanitation and cleaning
- Agricultural equipment