Why Checkmate

Health & Safety Checks
They’re a big headache for business owners and H&S Managers…

The Risks

Every year around 1 in 10 workers in New Zealand are injured at work. This should never happen. Furthermore, Owners and Managers can be fined up to $3m and spend up to 5 years in prison for getting their Health and Safety processes wrong*. The risks are huge on all levels.

*New Zealand Health and Safety Act 2015.

Factory worker helping an injured workmate

Safety hazards and potential risks are being missed at alarming rates.

Worried workers auditing warehouse shelving

Paper-based auditing systems are hugely inefficient.

The Problems

Our loyal customers tell us that before they adopted Checkmate

  • Legally required safety checks were only being performed around 80% of the time
  • Staff members disliked the cumbersome paper-based processes and dreaded doing their checks
  • H&S managers were unsure that checks had actually been done … even if forms had been ticked
  • Safety hazards and potential risks were being missed at alarming rates
  • Huge inefficiencies meant that the real costs of H&S compliance were unnecessarily high
  • They were extremely worried, and they never quite knew that H&S checks were under control

The Solution

Checkmate is a smart solution that takes the headache out of ensuring that Health and Safety checks are done to a high standard and finished on time whenever they’re needed.

Typically, businesses use paper checklists and homemade storage systems to both conduct and track safety checks on high-risk assets. These systems often do not deliver adequate verification of control, they provide poor H&S visibility, and they are wide open to misuse and shortcuts. As a result, workers are exposed to unnecessary risks, Health and Safety Managers shoulder a heavy and unfair burden, and business owners live with nagging worries, little peace of mind next to no legal protection.

Worker scanning a Checkmate tag

Checkmate was invented by real business owners who believed there just had to be a better way.

years in prison and $3 million maximum fines is the potential penalty for getting your H&S processes wrong.


of the time, legally required checks are not being performed with paper-based systems.


total visibility of all audit checks and processes are provided through the Checkmate™ dashboard.

These businesses are now working smarter with Checkmate